Huwebes, Setyembre 18, 2014


       What comes to your mind if you heard the word "hero".Using our imagination,the answer comes from our mind is a immoral person that they have power to produce supernatural powers to save the person that they are in critical or in danger places.According to the dictionary and to our teacher,a hero is a man or woman admired for his courage,fortitude,prowess,mobility and others.
       Everyone have their own hero,and for me my teacher is my hero because,he teaches me a lot.He is supportive and very sincere father and kind.He is very nice and fun to be with.Sometimes,he is like my father because,he is someone who can understand me.He is like A light in the night guiding my way not to be lost and became a better person or child.He always helps me whenever,I have a problems in our subjects especially in mapeh and science subject and he will sincerely help me with no doubt.A hero is someone who helps for the safe of someone and love ones and hero is someone doesn't change.I really like my teacher because,for me is the best  teacher that I never had.When we're competition for the role,I was so tense and the words that I speak or to say is very hard to bring out and I was too shy to continue it.For me he is the only teacher who cheer and give advise to help me to perform,even though I said.I can't and I don't have my experience regarding that contest in our room but still,he always encourage me.That is the best thing that my teacher had.He pulls his students up and helps them rise whenever,they are down.I admire him for that.I know that being a teacher and it is very hard because,you will always meet people with different faces and attitudes that can really make you tired and weak.though that his case for being a teacher,he always give his advise  to add our knowledge.He is really positive person and he is friendly not only with me but to others also.He always smile and laugh during his time whenever we have jokes to tell.He may not believe those superheroes in television,who have supernatural powers,but a friend that can be trusted .He will always my superhero and he will always be the best teacher in this world .
        Our teacher can be a hero,if they have determination,patience,courage, and dedication to work that can really inspire students.A hero in other words,a hero not only popular or famous person and seen in television because,this information and hero it can be in our simple way.

     "If you study to "remember you will forget,but if you study to 'understand,you will remember."

Biyernes, Setyembre 12, 2014



          Every year we celebrate the science month and every year,they have a theme like this year,the theme is Arming Science Clubbers With Healthful Defencess Towards National Wellness.In my own thoughts about this theme is,it is a play on words commununition and immunization.The science clubbers they would like to be armed or to be immune against diseases throught imparting knowledge about diseases or illment how they spread out and how they stealing life of a person that they have diseases that they are fighting for to lived on this world because God create us for the one aim or intention and that is to propagate human being.

Miyerkules, Setyembre 3, 2014


             Everyone of us has its own hero, he maybe a friend, a classmate, parents or anyone who has done good or made your life a colorful one.I have a friend whom I consider a hero because he he helped me when I was in dangered. It still fresh in my mind when my grandmother told me to pick papaya fruits for  our lunch while my friend was playing basketball, so, I called him to accompany me. My friend told me "be careful" but I was stubborn. I climbed the papaya tree with out knowing that the papaya was already very old. As I reached the peak of the tree I bended to the ground and the papaya fruits poured in my breast which made me feel breathless, I thought I was going to die but my friend helped me. He gave me first which made me recover. As I recovered I am happy and I was very grateful to my friend.