Lunes, Disyembre 29, 2014


     New Year is the time at which a new calendar year begin and the calendar's count is incremented and brings it's trail new hopes,aspirations and the old set of holiday's to be celebrated in a brand new way! As we prepare to bid adieu to the previous year and embrace to the new one and may this new year give you the courage to triumph over your vices and embrace the virtues.
     The meaning of New Year's Day is the worlds most celebrated holiday and this is not so clear in my opinion.on this day many people remember last years achievements and failures and look forward to the promise of anew year,of a new beginning.But this celebrations and reflections are the result of more than an accident of the calendar.New Year has a deeper significance and what is it?Lets  find out.On New Year 's day when the singing fireworks and champagne toasts are over,many of us become more serious about life.We take stock  and plan new courses or ambition of action to better  our lives.this is best seen in one of the most popular customs and the key to the meaning of the New Year:making new year resolutions.The common New Year resolutions of people are people wanting to be more attractive by losing weight and to be healthier  by exercising more and smoking less and changing the bad doing.They want to do things better,become better people.New Year's Day is the most active-minded holiday,because it is the one where people evaluate their lives and plan and resolve to face action.Your life and your future is in your own hands .
     The purpose of New Year is to indicate the God is ready to give some more days or chance for you to enrich your life and welcome the brand new year with your family.So everyday,fill your champagne glass to the brim with values and drink deep to your life and the joy that it can and should be.HAPPY NEW  AND HAPPY LIFE TO ALL OF YOU!!!!

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