English language is our second language and we use this everyday especially in our school.We are enhancing this language because if there's a time that foreigner come in our country or school we can express our feelings to them especially when they communicate to you.We can use this language in different contest like investigatory project,sci-toy,leisure,and others because this is only language to use.And when there's a time to work min abroad or to go in other country,to visit the beautiful places,we can not afraid to communicate us and the importance of English language if there's a letter or remainder that posted or painted in the wall that this place is dangerous.The English language save your life and they give you another life to live this colorful world creates by the God creature.English language is important to us in our living everyday,when there's a time that God gave a problem or challenge on your life, you can more brave o solve or face this and makes your life strength to live even they have so many problems to solve because problems or challenge continuous the reason is normal only in our life and just because no man can live without challenge or problem in his or her life.This language important to us because this is the only to show our feelings if the man or woman expressing his or her to you especially if the man or woman have a problem.You know already what feelings they deliver and you know already how to solve and help them.
We are enhancing this language because they give a lot important t us.The lesson that we can get or pick this language is to learn more words,so we have a power or arm to express our feelings so we people living this beautiful and colorful world .We put this in our mind and hearts so that this is the power or guide to live this colorful world.
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